Landermeads, the family business operating in the nursing homes and supported living sector took home two titles at the prestigious National Family Business of the Year Awards organised by Family Business United.
Landermeads took home the title for Midlands & Central Family Business of the Year and then went on to win the National Health & Welfare Family Business of the Year Award for 2024. The awards were presented at a gala evening in London where over 150 guests convened to celebrate the very best of British family firms.
As Paul Andrews, Founder and CEO of Family Business United explains, “This is always a fantastic evening where the family business community comes together to celebrate the very best of British family firms. Family firms are the engine room of the national economy and these awards celebrate all of their achievements. All of our winners are fantastic examples of great British family firms and it is a real honour to host these awards and celebrate with them.”
"Landermeads is a business run by husband and wife Ros and Rob Heath, and their son, Jay, which has family at the heart of all they do. They believe in family – in the strength of togetherness, inclusion and validation. In the Landermeads community they aim to understand the strength in their own vulnerability and create meaningful relationships with the family members they support enabling them to live well. Their belief in family is a legacy they initially shared with Phyl and Barry and Margaret and Derek, Rob and Ros’ parents. When Landermeads was a fairy tale in their young inexperienced minds they were the ones to believe in and support Ros and Rob to make it happen."
As Colleen Gostick, partner at sponsors Buckles, and one of the judges of the awards adds, "Widespread family membership, an innovative approach to meeting customer needs which is emotion-led and enhanced attitudes to training, this truly is a family business with family values deeply embedded to their core."
"This is an example of a standout family business where family now encompasses the entire staff and all their stakeholders, including the local community with a focus on the wellbeing of all. They are truly inspirational in what they do and how they do it. It was impossible not to be impressed with their submission and the numerous examples of what they do in terms of CSR, fundraising and community engagement," added Colleen.
As David Twiddle, Managing Director of TWYD & Co, a fellow sponsor and judge of the awards added, "Health and welfare is a sector that has strong links to the values of empathy, kindness and caring which aligns well with the very essence of what Landermeads in all about."
"They are undoubtedly a compassionate, caring family business that took a decision back in 2013 to become emotion-led and make a cultural change to what was already a successful family business."
"This business is inspirational, pioneering and worthy winners of these awards," concludes David.

As Ros Heath, CEO at Landermeads adds, "We support vulnerable adults of all ages who are often challenged by life and can feel a loss of identity. They need to feel loved and part of something - we are a family business and as such share the feeling of inclusion with the people we support and employ."
"Our family business is a family community and we are absolutely delighted to win both of these awards in recognition of what we do as a business."
"What we do matters and is down to the hard work and endeavour of each and every one of the people who have been part of the Landermeads journey and help us make a difference to the lives of those we care for and support each and every day."