We are delighted to announce that Nike Anani has been inducted into the Family Business United ‘Family Business Hall of Fame,’ which recognises the exceptional contribution of individuals and their work in advancing the field of family business.
Nike is a coach and mentor of next generation family members in the areas of leadership, ownership and sibling partnerships.
She is an international award-winning entrepreneur, succession specialist and a legacy planning expert for future-focused business families. She is on a mission to help businesses move from lifetime to legacy, such that they build family enterprises of the future.
With over a decade of family enterprise expertise in Nigeria, Nike helps owners lead their family organizations to long- term legacy and impact. Her inside experience as a second generation family business owner and family office pioneer birthed a passion to help other families in building enterprises that would outlive them.
Nike is the Author of “Lifetime to Legacy: A New Vision for Multigenerational Family Businesses.” She is also the co-founder of African Family Firms, a pan-African association of family businesses that is focused on promoting generational wealth and generational legacies on the African continent.
She is the host of “The Connected Generation” podcast – a top-10 Family Business podcast globally that is dedicated to NextGens that are seeking how to navigate building generational enterprises whilst leaving an impact.
Nike has a global outlook, having lived and worked in three continents. She is a champion for diversity, passionate about improving age and gender diversity and inclusion in business families.
As Paul Andrews, Founder and CEO of Family Business United adds, “Nike is a great advocate of the family business sector through various routes to market, from her podcast and awareness raising of the unique issues facing family firms to the work she does with the next generation and the publications that she has released and is truly deserving of her place in the Family Business Hall Of Fame.”
As Nike concludes, “I love the field of family business as I strongly believe that family businesses occupy a unique position in society to drive long-term economic value and social change."
"It’s truly an honour to be recognized amongst so many family business owners and experts in the Family Business Hall of Fame.”