One of Hull’s most notable businesses has received national certification for its workplace travel plan, which encourages and supports its workforce to walk, cycle and use public transport for their daily commute.
Arco, the UK’s leading safety company, has received a Good Travel Plan award from Modeshift STARS.
The national STARS accreditation scheme recognises workplaces that go above and beyond in developing, implementing, and monitoring an effective travel plan to bring about a change in travel behaviour and reduce the number of single occupancy car journeys to, from and between their sites.
Sites are awarded Approved, Good, Very Good, Excellent and Outstanding accreditation.
Hull City Council offers businesses and organisations within the city the chance to join Modeshift STARS for free as part of its strategic objective of promoting active travel choices.
The benefits and advantages of a workplace travel plan, include:
Reductions of single occupancy car journeys, which helps alleviate pressure and congestion across site car parks
Identifying availability and accessibility of viable transport options, based on staff locations
Potential to improve and develop site connectivity links through sustainable and active travel
Improving staff wellbeing, with physical and mental health benefits.
Councillor Mark Ieronimo, cabinet portfolio holder for transportation, roads and highways, said: “Arco is one of the city’s largest employers and one of Hull’s most recognisable names. It is a real pleasure to present them with their award and to see the efforts they, as a business, are going to in order to support their staff to make more sustainable and active travel choices."
“The Modeshift STARS programme offers real benefits, both to people and the local environment, and it is brilliant to see so many businesses and organisations within Hull already taking advantage of the opportunity to participate in the programme and working with the council to create a greener and healthier city.”
Arco joins The Deep, national retailer, Next, and the Holiday Inn Hull Marina in receiving Good Travel Plan awards, with the Double Tree by Hilton Hull and the University of Hull receiving Approved Travel Plan certificates. Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, another of the city’s largest employers, has seen its travel plan progress from bronze to silver accreditation in the space of just 12 months.