Family Business United is delighted to announce the launch of a new bespoke training academy for the family business sector.
As Paul Andrews, Founder and CEO of Family Business United explains: "We are always looking to find new ways to support and add value to our family business community and respond to the needs of our members. As the world continues to evolve, the pace of change is driving the need for new skills and the programmes offered thorough the training academy and are partners will go a long way to meet the needs of family businesses."
Family Business United has teamed up with a number of service providers, all of whom are family businesses to include programmes on Effective Coaching, Carbon Literacy, Sustainability, Effective Leadership, Self Awareness in Leadership and Giving Feedback to name a few. Further programmes being announced shortly tackle ways to maximise PR and communication through different media channels and marketing.
As Paul continues, "Events which include elements of training and education are a key pillar of what we do to provide assistance to family firms and the new training academy will provide an increasing range of educational and learning opportunities with regards leadership, management skills training and courses for specific business needs too. The programmes will also embrace new areas of knowledge around themes such as ESG, doing business responsibly, carbon literacy and much more."
"Each of the programmes seeks to enhance the skills of individuals, next generation leaders (family and non-family) and equip businesses with the skills they need to be sustainable for generations to come, and develop the necessary skills to be a sustainable business today and moving forward."
"Our partners are selected not only on the basis of credibility and experience in their areas of expertise but also because they are family businesses. They already appreciate the nuances of family businesses, family dynamics and the way that these businesses think. It is important for us as an organisation that we align with businesses that share our values too and we are looking forward to building further relationships as the programme develops further."
Check out the courses already available here
The programmes are available to anyone working in, owning, managing or leading a family business with full course outlines, objectives and suitability included in the listings.
Dr Stewart Barnes, CEO of QuoLux™ who are one of the selected training partners who already work with some well-known family business clients, is delighted to be partnering with Family Business United, adding that "“We are delighted to support Family Business United and their new training academy with our online leadership courses and look forward to working with their members.”
As Paul concludes, "These courses come in various formats, online or supported with coaching and bespoke options are available for teams within family businesses to learn together. We are really excited to have launched the new Family Business Training Academy as a way to extend more benefits to the family business community across the UK."
"We look forward to adding more courses to the programme and helping those working in the family business sector develop new skills, enhance existing ones and enable the next generation of leaders to continue to learn as their careers develop further."