We are delighted to announce that Dr. Elias Ηadjielias has been inducted into the Family Business United ‘Family Business Hall of Fame,’ which recognises the exceptional contribution of individuals and their work in advancing the field of family business.
He is Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and Family Business at Cyprus University of Technology. Currently (2022-2023), he is the Chair of the Family Business Research SIG at the European Academy of Management. He is a recognised expert teaching, researching, and publishing in the fields of family business, entrepreneurship, and innovation.
His research focuses on family business entrepreneurship, social and psychological perspectives in family businesses, and technological innovation.
He has published scientific articles in international prestigious journals, such as Annals of Tourism Research, Family Business Review, Small Business Economics, Journal of Business Research, HRMR, and TFSC. He has also served or serves as a guest-editor in 10 special issues at leading journals, such as the British Journal of Management, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Research, Technovation, TFSC, and European Journal of Marketing.
Over the years, he has received various awards, nominations, and research funding for his research on family businesses. In 2016, he was he was a recipient of the ISBE – RAKE Award on “Cooperation and Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Family Business Cooperatives” of the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE). In 2017, he was successful in an Erasmus + bid (as a project coordinator), in a €400,000 project on the development of entrepreneurial skills of family members in artisan and agro-tourism family businesses.
As Paul Andrews, Founder and CEO of Family Business United adds, “Elias has become a significant contributor to the family business sector through his research and writing and he truly deserves his place in the Family Business Hall of Fame.”
As Dr. Elias concludes, “The family business field is a fascinating research area, allowing experimentation with new innovative ideas and fostering dialogue between researchers from different disciplines. Researching and teaching on family business topics are enjoyable and personally fulfilling"
"Being recognized in the Family Business Hall of Fame is a great honour, and an important motivation to continue contributing to the family business field.”