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The Allied Vehicles Charitable Trust is proud to announce the allocation of funding to three remarkable community projects: SENSORIAL, CREATE Paisley, and The DASH Club. These organisations serve individuals with unique and additional support needs in their communities.

SENSORIAL has been awarded £1,500 to continue their ‘KIWI Sensory Art & Play Club’. This free after-school club caters to children with complex special needs in Sighthill, North Glasgow, an area facing significant socio-economic challenges.

The club provides a safe, sensory-rich environment where children can explore and create with the support of their parents, carers, and art tutors. Normally operating during term time in the hours after school, this funding ensures the continuation of the service through the summer months, when schools are closed.

Consuelo Servan, SENSORIAL Director, expressed her gratitude:

"This award comes at a crucial moment for our project. The funding will allow us to continue our sensory after-school activities through the summer."

"These activities are vital for the development and well-being of the young people we serve, providing them with engaging, hands-on experiences that stimulate their senses and foster their cognitive, social, and emotional growth. We are excited about the positive impact this will have on our community and are committed to making the most of this opportunity."

CREATE Paisley has been granted £1,150 to support their summer holiday programme, Go CREATE. This initiative is an extension of their core programme, CREATE Opportunities, which focuses on enhancing the mental well-being of young people in Renfrewshire through creative engagement.

The Go CREATE programme will provide a variety of holiday-themed activities and day trips, offering vital support during the school summer holidays to young people facing poverty, social isolation, and deprivation.

Lisa Doherty, Development & Operations Manager at CREATE Paisley, shared her excitement:

"We are absolutely delighted to have Allied Vehicles' support for our summer programme, Go CREATE. This generous contribution will make a significant difference in providing a creative and enriching experience for the young people we support."

The DASH Club, based in the Possilpoint Community Centre, North Glasgow, received £5,000 to expand their Sunday outings programme for young people with complex disabilities.

The club offers a safe and friendly environment where young people can engage in social and recreational activities, reducing isolation and improving health and well-being. The additional funding will allow the club to take teenagers with complex support needs out on weekends, providing them with opportunities to have fun and feel part of the wider community.

Mary Cuttle, Project Manager at The DASH Club, expressed her gratitude:

"This grant from Allied Vehicles will enable us to take teenagers with high support needs out on the weekends to have fun with their friends, and to feel part of the wider community."

"Many thanks from the DASH Club, its service users, and their families for funding our Sunday outings programme - it will make a huge difference to our young people."

Gerry Facenna, owner and founder of Allied Vehicles Group, commented on the awards:

"At Allied Vehicles, we believe in giving back to the community and making a positive impact, and we are pleased to support these outstanding organisations. Each one plays a crucial role in their community, providing essential services and enriching the lives of many young people with additional and complex support requirements.”



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