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Building A High-Performing Team: Goals, Roles, Trust, Respect and Communication

There are many factors that can help drive success into your business. Modern equipment will keep you in step with the times, an accommodating workplace will improve people’s overall well-being, and a wide client base will generate profit and enhance your reputation.

However, the most valuable asset of a company is its employees. With great dedication, variegated knowledge, and sectorial competencies, talented workers can truly make a difference.

It is safe to say, though, that teams can make better decisions, solve more complex problems, and execute more quickly than single individuals. This is why it is always important to put specific conditions into place that can effectively aid team development. As a manager, it is your responsibility to instil a sense of belonging and proactiveness in your workers.

Ultimately, a high-performing team is likely to yield the results you are aiming for. But how can you mould a cohesive group to benefit the efficiency of your business? Here, we get an insight from Dominic Fitch, Head of Creative Change at Impact International, a leading experiential learning company, working to support global brands to prosper, by delivering customised people solutions, on how to shape a successful squad by focusing on targets, trust, communication, and encouragement.

1. Set Clear Roles & Priorities

First things first, it is essential to ensure that each member of your team knows what their duties are. Defining everybody’s responsibilities will help your employees understand what is expected from them and deliver accordingly to the best of their abilities. In fact, any ambiguity or confusion at an individual level can hinder their own productivity, while also having a detrimental impact on the team as a whole.

Moreover, it is wise to assign roles and tasks in line with people’s qualities. Are they good with numbers? Allow them to deal with stats and numerical data. Are they technically gifted? Software and computer-related duties will suit them best. Handing clear and tailored roles to your employees will harness their real potential and maximise your team’s performance.

That said, if you want to nurture your squad and broaden their skillsets, consider investing in continual learning and development. High-performing teams tend to be curious and will welcome the opportunity to explore new paths and constantly build on their knowledge.

2. Embed Trust & Respect

A team in which members both trust and respect one another is more likely to efficiently work in unison. Making sure that people value each other – and feel valued in return – will increase cooperation and spark appreciation towards their colleagues’ strengths.

Therefore, creating a culture of trust is essential, and should be put into practice as soon as a new mind joins the business. In fact, it has been found that a pleasant onboarding experience lowers turnover figures by 157%. What’s more, it increases employees’ dedication and interest in the role by 54%.

As a manager, you need to take steps to ensure that you are trusted too. The truth is that humans tend to trust people that they like, so building positive relationships with your team members can generate sentiments of respect. Get to know them and check on their feelings from time to time. This shows that you care about them not only professionally, but on a personal level too.

Consistency is also important, as walking the walk makes you a manager that your fellow workers can rely on. Have you promised to carry out something? Have you organised a meeting? Follow through with your appointments, or your team’s drive may soon start to fade.

3. Communication Is Key

There is no hiding that communication is the magic glue that keeps teams united. Indeed, from mitigating conflicts to solidifying team building, it conceals an array of crucial benefits. To nurture a close-knit, high-performing team, try to promote interaction at all times. Why should employees keep innovative thoughts to themselves? Why should they not share ingenious solutions with their colleagues? Saying things out loud and discussing specific ideas collectively can help teams work towards the same goal in an effective manner.

In this respect, make space for thinking time and creativity sessions. Allowing your employees to spend time consulting each other will favour decision-making processes, helping them tackle any challenges with confidence and originality.

Furthermore, you should consider cultivating a transparent feedback culture. Sometimes, giving unsolicited feedback can lead to awkward situations. In fact, people may feel uncomfortable sharing their advice, and the recipient may not accept it gladly. However, providing constructive feedback can nip potential issues in the bud, and therefore enhance group performance. Normalise this process and encourage team members to frequently offer advice to one another.

Also, don’t shy away from praising hard-working employees. Everyone appreciates some well-deserved recognition from time to time, and it will work wonders on their motivation levels too!

4. Create Sense Of Purpose

Finally, it is vital to instil a sense of purpose inside your team. Employees will feel more connected with their squad, as well as with the business on the whole, if they are presented with a common goal. What are the company’s targets? What should your staff be aiming for as a group?

With clear directions and well-defined ambitions in mind, your team can truly thrive. Working towards shared, key objectives is what a team needs to optimise their productivity. Hence, to raise a group of high-performing people make sure to set out a well-organised itinerary for them to follow. You will be delighted with the end result!

So, what will be your next steps? From establishing clear roles and building trust to outlining common goals and valuing communication, you will be providing your team of employees with the tools they need to excel.


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Family Business United (‘FBU’) is an unparalleled rallying point and voice for the global family business community and an invaluable source of insight into the sector.  FBU is a resource for all, family businesses of all sizes and sectors, and their advisers, helping to raise the profile of the family business sector and to encourage greater awareness of the contribution that family firms make to the global economy through employment, income generation, wealth creation and charitable endeavours.

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