Taking place in London on March 19, our flagship family business event brings the UK family business sector together to celebrate the significant contribution that family firms make in terms of employment, income generation and wealth creation.
This inspirational event brings the family business community together sharing insights on all manner of topics to help others achieve their family business goals. Book your seat for what is always a day packed with learning with plenty of opportunities to make new connections during the networking sessions.
Speakers for the event in March include representatives from a number of multi-generational family firms who will share their insights, knowledge and wisdom to help others undertaking the same journey or facing similar challenges to those that they themselves have faced.
Our speakers include:
Simon Brewer, CEO, Brewers Decorator Centres
Sarah Bianchi, CEO, Arighi Bianchi
Paul Bence, Managing Director, George Bence & Sons
Helen Tonks MBE, Co-Founder & Director, Hydraulics Online
Bertie Matthews, CEO, Matthews Cotswold Flour
Tim Croxson, CEO, Croxsons
Mairi Mickel, Shareholder, Mactaggart & Mickel
Michelle Taft, The Matthew Good Foundation
Kedge Martin, KM Advisory
Sian Steele, Sian Steele Consulting
As well as keynote speakers we have a number of workshops and panel discussions throughout the day and a number of exhibition stands throughout the venue to visit during the breaks.
As Paul Andrews, Founder and CEO of Family Business United, organisers of the event explains: "All to often I hear from family business leaders that it is lonely at the top and they feel in a unique situation dealing with a challenge around topics such as succession, legacy, employing family members and governance. We created this flagship conference back in 2012 to bring like-minded family businesses together to share their perspectives, network and meet peers that readily deal with all manner of unique challenges associated with being a family business today."
"The day is always inspirational, packed with learnings and the speakers are honest and authentic when they tell their own story. The atmosphere in the room is energised and palpable and the feedback from those attending exceptional."
Book your tickets to join us for The Great British Family Business Conference taking place at The Royal Geographical Society in South Kensington, London today.