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Latest Family Business News, events and Updates


Family businesses are the backbone of economies the world over. They also face unique issues due to the very nature of their ownership.

Check out the latest articles on some of these issues such as succession planning, employing family members, governance structures, marketing the family brand, family values, remuneration and much more besides.

Latest Family Business News, events and Updates
Legacy - The Family Business Podcast
Brooks MacDonald - Handover
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Family Business Digital
Family Business United Membership 2
Conflict In Family Businesses: Inevitable Challenge Or Catalyst For Growth?

Family Business

Conflict In Family Businesses: Inevitable Challenge Or Catalyst For Growth?

Conflict within family businesses is often viewed with apprehension, yet it is a ubiquitous aspect of their dynamics. Unlike purely...

Family Business - Editor's Pick

At The Cutting Edge Since 1760

At The Cutting Edge Since 1760

William Whiteley & Sons has been around for a long time, since 1760 to be exact. The business officially began during the forefront of...

The Heart Of Legacy: Philanthropy & Community Engagement In Family Firms

The Heart Of Legacy: Philanthropy & Community Engagement In Family Firms

Family businesses around the world are often seen as cornerstones of their communities, contributing not just to the economy but to...

Maintaining Control Across Generations: The Family Protector

Maintaining Control Across Generations: The Family Protector

In family-run businesses, keeping control over operations, wealth, and legacy across generations can be challenging. A Family Protector...

The Case for The Next Generation Gaining Experience Outside the Family Firm

The Case for The Next Generation Gaining Experience Outside the Family Firm

As family-owned businesses transition through generations, the question of whether the next generation should gain experience outside the...

Don't Lose Your Digital Memories Forever

Don't Lose Your Digital Memories Forever

STEP, a worldwide body for professionals that help families plan for their futures, launched its Protect Your Digital Memories campaign...

A Sad State Of Affairs According To STEP Report

A Sad State Of Affairs According To STEP Report

The majority of solicitors and professionals who help plan their clients’ estates have either seen instances of actual or suspected...

Expert Woodturners For More Than A Century

Expert Woodturners For More Than A Century

Jackson Woodturners has been established as expert woodturners for more than 100 years. Based in Sheffield, the family firm is now in...

The Ethical Imperative: Family Firms Doing Business Right

The Ethical Imperative: Family Firms Doing Business Right

In the business world, the concept of ‘doing business right’ encompasses ethical decision-making, corporate social responsibility, and...

Shirtsleeves To Shirtsleeves In Three Generations...

Shirtsleeves To Shirtsleeves In Three Generations...

The adage ‘shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations’ is often quoted as encapsulating the recurring cycle observed in many...

Family Firms Need To Prepare For The Silver Tsunami

Family Firms Need To Prepare For The Silver Tsunami

In recent years, the term 'silver tsunami' has gained traction among demographers, economists, and policymakers. It vividly describes the...

True Legacy Starts With Being A Good Parent

True Legacy Starts With Being A Good Parent

A true legacy encompasses more than just material wealth; it includes the values, wisdom and love that we pass on to our descendants. "In...

The Japanese Model Of Family Business Succession: A Tradition Of Longevity

The Japanese Model Of Family Business Succession: A Tradition Of Longevity

Late July, I had the privilege of visiting Osaka and Tokyo, where I engaged with several family-owned businesses as part of my ongoing...

Family Business Insights

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FBU continues to expand and has a growing membership base around the world. Recognised as THE family business champions we have also gained recognition in both of the Top 100 Global Family Business Influencers list compiled by Family Capital. We are also the VOICE of the family business community, celebrating their contribution throughout the UK and beyond.

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TYWD Logo_Gold & Blue Centered.png
TYWD Logo_Gold & Blue Centered.png

Family Business United (‘FBU’) is an unparalleled rallying point and voice for the global family business community and an invaluable source of insight into the sector.  FBU is a resource for all, family businesses of all sizes and sectors, and their advisers, helping to raise the profile of the family business sector and to encourage greater awareness of the contribution that family firms make to the global economy through employment, income generation, wealth creation and charitable endeavours.

At FBU, everything we do is about the family business, creating the best resource available to help families in business get access to the resources and support they need to continue their family business journey, wherever it will take them.

Legacy - The Family Business Podcast
Brooks MacDonald - Handover
nuse 2
Family Business Digital
Family Business United Membership 2
Conflict In Family Businesses: Inevitable Challenge Or Catalyst For Growth?

Family Business

Conflict In Family Businesses: Inevitable Challenge Or Catalyst For Growth?

Conflict within family businesses is often viewed with apprehension, yet it is a ubiquitous aspect of their dynamics. Unlike purely...

Family Business - Editor's Pick

Conflict In Family Businesses: Inevitable Challenge Or Catalyst For Growth?

Conflict In Family Businesses: Inevitable Challenge Or Catalyst For Growth?

Conflict within family businesses is often viewed with apprehension, yet it is a ubiquitous aspect of their dynamics. Unlike purely...

At The Cutting Edge Since 1760

At The Cutting Edge Since 1760

William Whiteley & Sons has been around for a long time, since 1760 to be exact. The business officially began during the forefront of...

Five Ways To Prevent Cloud Security Mistakes

Five Ways To Prevent Cloud Security Mistakes

After it was revealed almost nine in ten cyber-attacks are caused by human error, experts have named five ways organisations can guard...

Governance As A Key To Building Legacy

Governance As A Key To Building Legacy

Only 40% of family-owned businesses reach the second generation, 13% get to the third, and just 3% are passed down to a fourth generation...

Recognising The Red Flags Of Workplace Mental Health

Recognising The Red Flags Of Workplace Mental Health

Organisations have a responsibility towards their staff. The expression mens sana in corpore sano, usually translated as “a healthy mind...

Successful Leaders Make Space For Staff To Challenge Decisions

Successful Leaders Make Space For Staff To Challenge Decisions

Leaders should foster a culture of positive, constructive challenge, which can help mitigate risks and improve decision making, according...

The Heart Of Legacy: Philanthropy & Community Engagement In Family Firms

The Heart Of Legacy: Philanthropy & Community Engagement In Family Firms

Family businesses around the world are often seen as cornerstones of their communities, contributing not just to the economy but to...

Shirtsleeves To Shirtsleeves In Three Generations...

Shirtsleeves To Shirtsleeves In Three Generations...

The adage ‘shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations’ is often quoted as encapsulating the recurring cycle observed in many...

The Case for The Next Generation Gaining Experience Outside the Family Firm

The Case for The Next Generation Gaining Experience Outside the Family Firm

As family-owned businesses transition through generations, the question of whether the next generation should gain experience outside the...

Maintaining Control Across Generations: The Family Protector

Maintaining Control Across Generations: The Family Protector

In family-run businesses, keeping control over operations, wealth, and legacy across generations can be challenging. A Family Protector...

The Business Case For Better UK Paternity Laws

The Business Case For Better UK Paternity Laws

It’s no secret that more and more of us are choosing not to have children. The UK birth rate has declined to the lowest levels in over a...

Why Family Business Owners Struggle To Let Go

Why Family Business Owners Struggle To Let Go

Running a family business for many business owners is a privilege and something that they take incredibly seriously. Over their time in...

Maximising Social Media For Your Family Business

Maximising Social Media For Your Family Business

In today's digital age, social media is an indispensable tool for businesses of all sizes. For family-owned businesses, leveraging these...

Family Firms Need To Prepare For The Silver Tsunami

Family Firms Need To Prepare For The Silver Tsunami

In recent years, the term 'silver tsunami' has gained traction among demographers, economists, and policymakers. It vividly describes the...

Recognising The Positive Contribution Of Women In Family Businesses

Recognising The Positive Contribution Of Women In Family Businesses

Women play a vital and often underestimated role in family businesses globally, contributing significantly to their success and...

Navigating Cost Pressures As An Owner Managed Business

Navigating Cost Pressures As An Owner Managed Business

Owner-managed businesses are facing significant challenges due to cost pressures that are impacting both profitability and...

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