CAMPAIGNS - Face Of Family Business
Family Business United (‘FBU’) is delighted to bring you ‘The Face of Family Business 2022,’ our campaign that sought to put the family business sector on the map. Comprising ‘faces’ of over 200 family business members, the face truly encapsulates the true spirit and diversity of the family business sector across the UK.
Leading family figures included in the montage include Lord Bamford (JCB), Stephen Bagnall (Bagnalls), Derrick Potter (Potter Space), John Falder (HMG Paints), Maria Whitehead MBE (Hawkshead Relish) and Jacqueline O’Donovan (O’Donovan Waste Management) as well as Joyce Onuonga, the owner of Scotland’s oldest family business, John White & Sons who are based in Auchtermuchty.
There are over 6 million family firms across the UK today, employing over 12 million people and as a collective body they make a significant contribution to the economy of the UK through the provision of jobs, creation of wealth and income generation, not to mention the good they do in their local communities too.

As Paul Andrews, Founder and Managing Director of FBU explains, “I have been championing the family business sector for over 20 years and 2021 saw us celebrating the tenth anniversary of the creation of Family Business United and we wanted to do something to celebrate. Family firms are the backbone of the UK economy with family firms the length and breadth of the nation. The ‘face’ represents the sector in a way that has never been portrayed before, celebrating the old and the new, together with the diversity of family business leadership too.”
“The ‘face’ is a great way to celebrate the importance of family firms across the UK who over the past 18 months have shown their resilience and strength in dealing with the pandemic. Many of the individuals featured are involved with long-standing family businesses that have been around for generations and see themselves as custodians of the business for future generations, continuing making decisions for the long term, innovating and demonstrating entrepreneurship to achieve their goals,” continues Paul.
“It was a real pleasure collating the ‘face’ and we really do feel that this is a positive endorsement of the diversity of the family business sector across the UK today,” concludes Paul.
FBU is a global champion of the family business sector and shares insights, news, research and much more. The ‘face’ is the latest innovative campaign undertaken by FBU to put the family business sector on the map and raise awareness of the important contribution they make, each and every day.
FBU continues to expand and has a growing membership base around the world. Recognised as THE family business champions we have also gained recognition in both of the Top 100 Global Family Business Influencers list compiled by Family Capital. We are also the VOICE of the family business community, celebrating their contribution throughout the UK and beyond.




Family Business United (‘FBU’) is an unparalleled rallying point and voice for the global family business community and an invaluable source of insight into the sector. FBU is a resource for all, family businesses of all sizes and sectors, and their advisers, helping to raise the profile of the family business sector and to encourage greater awareness of the contribution that family firms make to the global economy through employment, income generation, wealth creation and charitable endeavours.
At FBU, everything we do is about the family business, creating the best resource available to help families in business get access to the resources and support they need to continue their family business journey, wherever it will take them.